Creepy Halloween Celery Root Brains

It’s less than a week until our streets will be overrun with ghouls and ghosts. As kids most of us had one thing on our minds, free candy! Sure it was a night out with friends, after dark, but first and foremost it was the candy. Growing up we had two houses everyone knew they had to go to. One gave out full cans of pop, and the other, full chocolate bars.

As we grew up the holiday became less about the candy and developed into a tradition of dressing up, parties with friends and more and more as time moves forward I find myself asking about the food and drinks served at halloween get-togethers.   Halloween is a time to indulge your sweet tooth but every now and then there is a vegetable that just cries to be used this time of year.

Was it the gnarled and knotted texture? Perhaps it was the beige and dirt colour. Either way as I strolled through the aisles this week the celery root caught my eye. What to do with celery root? Puree it into soup? Roast it into chips with a good dip? No, it is halloween after all, this would be perfect for a bloody brain. Offered on a plate smothered in blood, or “preserved” in a mason jar the display decision is up to you.



1 celery root

2-3 heaping Tbsp. strawberry jam

6 blackberries


  1. Remove the skin from the celery root using a knife or vegetable peeler
  2. Boil in a large pot until tender, 30 min to an hour depending upon size.
  3. Carve the celery root to resemble a brain. (In my experience, one main deep cut down the centre and several others at varying depths throughout the top of the celery root will be sufficient.)
  4. In a small pot over medium heat crush the blackberries and add the jam. Once mostly liquified pour or spoon over the celeriac brain.
  5. Set on display wherever best located at your home.

Who says you cannot have fun with your food? If at no other time halloween allows for creepy culinary creativity.   Now a quick search online will give you a number of options for brains. The celery root called to me but you may prefer those made from watermelon, Jello or even macaroni and cheese. As with all things in life, each option has its’ advantages or disadvantages. Whatever calls, or screams out to you this halloween may it be one hell of a good time!