Super Simple Syrup

Simple syrup may seem like a non-essential ingredient, and to be honest it may be; however having a pre-dissolved sweetener saves time, adds piece of mind, and that alone makes it worth preparing. In cocktails, teas or coffees simple syrup can be used to sweeten anything you desire.

The main reason for simple syrup is convenience. Those cocktails that historically used a sugar cube currently call for simple syrup only due to the reasons listed above and ease of use. As with any volume-based profession, anything that can aid in speed of service is generally utilized.

A simple syrup recipe:

1 cup white sugar

1 cup water

Add and heat ingredients, stir until sugar is dissolved

Let cool.

*A note for any international travellers, this is a recipe for a simple syrup by North American standards, if you are visiting the UK this mixture is generally accepted as two parts sugar and one part water.

So yes, this was a short article, but this is after all a simple syrup. Nothing too complicated here, a simple product with a specific use that makes life a little more convenient when time is limited.