Turkey Anyone?

So here it goes, the first of our three-part Christmas special. Unlike most however this is a salute to the singleton. In the coming weeks several plates will combine to give those who cannot justify a full holiday feast at least a taste of the season.

Everyone this time of year seems to focus on spending time with family and friends. What about the rest of us, those who for one reason or another cannot make it home for the holidays.

A large portion of us look forward to a great home cooked meal. The oversized bird we have all come to know and love seemingly always has centre stage. When cooking for one, a whole turkey simply is not reasonable. Pick your preference, white or dark, and shop for that. Thighs, legs or breasts are all generally available at your local grocer.

2 Turkey Drumsticks
1 Tbsp. Salt
1 tsp. each pepper, garlic powder
¾ Tbsp. Rosemary

After thawing the drumsticks (if necessary) place on a baking pan. In a separate bowl mix all dry spices thoroughly. Rub the mix of spices over the turkey ensuring equal coverage. Place spiced turkey in a preheated oven at 350 for 1 hour depending on size. Serve Immediately.

This holiday season if you find yourself apart from those who matter most, please do not settle for that frozen meal for one that seems ever so popular on the shelves these days. Turkey does not have to be a meal for many. Simply by picking up your favourite part of the bird can allow you the tastes of home this year.

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