Grilled Cheese Greatness!!



Everyone knows the joys of a perfectly crafted grilled cheese sandwich. Most of us had a simple version as a staple throughout our younger years. The stringiness of a melted mound of molten dairy is perfect for a lunchtime meal this time of year. Now which cheese to choose and what additions are included are completely up to you.


Marketing departments around the world may try to convince us that a panini press is a much needed additional apparatus in the grilled cheese process, and sure the grill marks add a desirable flair however a pan, any pan, along with a stove or other offering of heat can work just as well. The eight year old in all of us would agree. Butter, cheese and bread; the trifecta of grilled cheese greatness.


Truly, you can choose any cheese you wish to create your own sandwich at home. Those items you select to accompany your dairy-filled delight should accent the sandwich rather than overpower it. Brie cheese goes great with apples, pears or other light fruits. Serve it with a jam or jelly and you are set. A cheddar, or smoked cheddar, requires stronger flavours such as beef or peppers to properly accentuate its’ character.


This week it has been several medium flavoured cheeses we have chosen to showcase. Gruyere, native to Switzerland and spiced jalapeno gouda, which draws its’ roots from the Netherlands both offer a well balanced cheese that pairs well with spinach, red peppers and ham.


For each sandwich you will need:

4 slices of deli ham.

2 slices of bread, your choice on type

8 spinach leaves

½ a small red pepper, julienned

2 to 4 slices of Gruyerre or jalapeno gouda cheese.

1-2 Tbsp. of butter, or margarine if you prefer.


  • Butter one side of the first slice of bread and place it into the pan butter side down.
  • Arrange toppings starting with the ham, followed by the slices of cheese, spinach and red peppers.
  • Finally butter one side of the second piece of bread and place it, butter side up, atop the sandwich.
  • Cooking time over medium heat should be four to five minutes on the first side, and three to four on the second.
  • Slice and serve.

Grilled Cheese, like coffee, is at its’ finest when served hot off the press. Served for lunch or supper can warm even the coldest of hands this season. Since pairings can range largely with cheese, experiment with what you have on hand. If you think an item may work, try it. Let your imagination run wild. Our version offers one example, but there are many, many more. So next time your thinking about what is for lunch, try a grilled cheese. Ours, or anything your mind can think up.











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