Cream of Mushroom Soup

Winter is finally upon us! That may seem like an odd thing to say; after all who really looks forward to the cold blasts of winter air that go right to the bone? Those who enjoy the heartwarming soups and stews that are synonymis with this weather always look forward to this time of year. Cream of mushroom soup is one dish that patiently awaits the cold, dark evenings we are experiencing.


Cream of Mushroom soup seems perfectly crafted to the dark, windy and cold evenings of late. For the past several months we seem to have been stuck in a late autumn limbo, gastronomically speaking. Some dishes from all seasons other than winter have seemed to be making their way to our minds and plates. Finally we have snow on the ground and a rich, earthy soup on the stove.


  • Take 2 Tbsp. butter, and melt into the bottom of a large pot over medium-high heat.


  • Add 1 Lb. of sliced crimini mushrooms to the pot, stirring occasionally until all mushrooms are cooked down.


  • Once all the mushroom slices are cooked down to the consistency you desire (for myself it took about 10 minutes) reduce heat to medium-low then pour in 3 cups of milk and all dry spices. (1 tsp. each of celery salt, white pepper and 2 tsp. of fresh or dried chives.


  • Cook on medium-low, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes.


  • To thicken the milk I combine ½ cup of warm water with 2 Tbsp. of corn starch in a separate container. Once combined, pour into the soup pot and stir regularly until you have reached the consistency of milk you are looking for.


  • Serve hot, and if you desire, you may choose to add a light drizzle of olive oil as a finishing touch to the top of the soup.


So this week, reintroduce yourself to cream of mushroom soup.   For the most part we are all familiar with this dish, but most may only know the condensed version that slops out of a tin. Please, if you have some time, invest yourself in our recipe and learn, on a simple level, what cream of mushroom soup can offer if prepared with a caring hand and a passionate heart.