Food is Not Everything for Weight Loss, Just a Large Part.

When it comes to any diet or meal plan the food choices you make are one of the most important elements to consider. After doing some research on the web I found out that exercise only accounts for approximately twenty-five percent of weight loss, the largest component (seventy-five percent) is derived from your diet.   With this in the back of my mind when I go after my own fat stores I find it incredibly important to focus on my food intake.

Quality over quantity:

There are so many plans out there for those of us trying to work off our waistline. There are those that tell you what to eat: high fat/low carb, cutting out carbs, vegan diets, juice cleanses…in an effort to save you extra reading, let’s just say there are a lot of them. Not only are there meal plans that tell you what to eat, there are also plans out there that tell you when to eat. Eat three times a day, eat six times a day, eat eight times a day. You can find plans that lead you in the other way as well. Eat twice a day, eat once a day, starve for several days in a row. Eating once a day? That sounds just as crazy as eating eight times a day to me.

The guiding light that I found most helpful was quality over quantity. While this does not seem too difficult, I can tell you from experience that a bowl of chips or a plate of nachos is rather tempting as you settle in to watch your favourite show, the bowl of blueberries or plate of chopped vegetables would be a much better option. Eating enough at meal times to carry you through to the next meal is also quite beneficial.

Nutrient Density:

For anyone trying to loose weight, cutting calories almost always necessary. Nutrition and weight loss goes hand in hand and nutrient density eventually becomes a point of interest, if not an obsession. While I was cutting calories I still wanted to ensure I was consuming what my body needed. The higher the value of my food, the less I required; it just made sense to me. While I will not go into detail on the whats and whys of the foods I chose, do your homework and make smart decisions. Foods such as cucumbers are quite low in calories and high in water content. Avocados are relatively high in fat, but still can play a nutritional role in your weight loss journey. (Assuming you like the taste of avocado)

Liquids and Weight Loss:

Liquid is life. Choosing the right liquids can play a large role in your weight loss success. Water is so essential for weight loss and weight management it cannot be overstated. It does not mean that all you should ever put in your glass is water, it’s not realistic, and what if you do not like the taste of water?

Water isn’t everything. Fruit juices can play a role, however you need to be conscious of the sugar content in them. Coffee and/or tea play a large role in our society; watch the added sugar and dairy and it can even be beneficial. Alcohol is another big question for some people when watching their weight. Simply put alcohol is dense in calories, and empty calories at that. Moderation is important, but you can allow for a drink or two while on your journey.

Sports drinks are great, for athletes. Where the added simple sugars are excellent for those who need fast energy during lengthy feats of endurance energy drinks are not the best option. There is one thing they are great for, replacing electrolytes. This can be easily done without the added sugar. Simply mixing water with a few key ingredients such as salt and citrus. Do your homework, find a flavour profile that suits you and enjoy.

Dining out & Social Events:

Going out is always fun. The time we spend with family and friends are typically happy, joyous occasions that more often then not surrounded by food and drink. Otherwise known as a potential nightmare for anyone on a diet.

I briefly discussed alcohol earlier. Additionally, when it comes to food there are temptations around every corner at most events. The two factors to most rely on in these situations include your judgment and self-discipline.   If you plan for a night out full of “bad food choices” you can easily manage. Remember all weight loss requires is a caloric deficit. (Consuming less calories than you burn) You can eat whatever you want, in moderation. Perhaps it would be wise to have lighter meals that day. Maybe it will be cause for an extra workout. The best weight loss strategies are long term; a bad day here or there is not the end of the world. As long as a caloric deficit is maintained in the long run there is nothing to worry about.

Meal Planning:

Meal planning can be one of the most rewarding activities when it comes to both your health and your wallet. I am sure you have heard to never go to the grocery store hungry, I almost always never go to the store without a list. Listing the items you need allows you to stay task oriented while in the store and less likely to fall for the merchandising and marketing techniques that are at work in every grocery store. See that end display of cookies? You might not have if you were busy looking at your list. Or if you did notice it, your list may have possibly given you the extra encouragement to only take notice of the display, and continue on without additional items in your cart. When organizing your meals ahead of time you will not only be consciously or subconsciously keeping your calories (and purchases) in check, but additionally those “cheat days”, when planned, come with a lot less guilt.

One other trick that has been mentioned many times by weight loss organizations, dietitians and athletic coaches alike is to shop the outside of the grocery store. If you take the grocery store, your grocery store for example, you may have noticed that they all have your essentials on the perimeter of the store, that’s not by mistake. Milk or dairy in the farthest corner of the store; there is a reason behind it. If there is no way for you to shop with a list use what I call the “track & field” method of grocery shopping. Keep yourself on the outside track, and purchases (at some point in their life) should have spent some time in a field. (Or at least in the open.)

This series has brought me a lot of enjoyment thus far and I hope that it has provided you with some helpful hints along the way. As I have said in previous articles: I’m nobody special, just someone who decided he was too big, decided to do something about it and now share bits and pieces of my journey with you. If you take nothing else away from this article remember this: Food is not everything when it comes to weight loss, but it does play a very large role.

Good Luck!


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