Creme De Violette

It has been just over a week now since I awoke to a light dusting of snow on the lawn. While there are no guarantees that the white stuff is gone for the year, it certainly feels like we have broken the lock into spring weather. With that said my mind turns to warmer thoughts and lighter foods and cocktails. After the long and harsh winter I am going full gusto this spring and diving right into those cocktails that remind me of summer evenings, but for me a springtime favourite ingredient, ever since I had discovered it, is crème de violette.

This sweet, floral liqueur is best noted for its use in the Aviation cocktail. There are many cocktails that utilize this light spirit, but these days I am content just sitting back with an ounce or two of this delightful spirit watching the day come to a close in my backyard. While there are certain subtleties to any drink this liqueur tastes like a sugar-laced petal of the violet flower to me. Closing my eyes and imagining a meadow of flowers in the middle of summer seems to hold a special place in my being currently.

Strangely enough, even ten years ago crème de violette was a nearly unheard of spirit. Thanks in part to the recent cocktail renaissance, and the aviation cocktail, the spirit was brought onto the shelves of the LCBO several years ago by way of Giffards. This has opened any dispensary, public or otherwise, to the wonderful world of cocktails that showcase this sensational spirit.

In the coming weeks I look forward to exploring a few of these classics. The aviation, the Blue Moon and maybe one or two others.  I sincerely hope you enjoyed this short read, have a happy and safe weekend everyone.

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