Garden Chicken Sandwich

In our work-heavy, never quit world very few people have time to spare. We are always looking for ways to get more done with less, efficiency is key. While there are times we take for family, and times we take for ourselves. More often than not if we can find a way to multitask, we do. Although it may seem like a new phenomenon, multitasking has been around for a very long time. Culinarily speaking, nothing epitomizes the multi-tasker better than the sandwich.

It was back in 1762 when John refused to remove himself from the task that laid in front of him for a meal and rather asked for his meal be brought to him between two slices of bread. The sandwich was born. Never mind that it was actually a gambling table and he was on a hot streak, the premise of working at your desk is all too common these days.

If a sandwich is nothing more than a meal stuffed between two pieces of bread the opportunities are nearly endless. Think about it, a sandwich stretches the entire spectrum from peanut butter and jelly (with or without the crust) to chicken parmesan on a bun and far beyond. If you can imagine a meal, it can be nestled inside a bun and served as a sandwich.



¼ green pepper, sliced.

¼ red pepper, sliced.

¼ yellow pepper, sliced.

4 mushrooms, sliced.

¼ red onion, sliced.

100g. sliced chicken.

8-12 baby spinach leaves.

3 Tbsp. garlic butter

1 ciabatta bun (or any other bun)


  • Roast the mushrooms, peppers and onion with half the butter on a baking sheet at 350F. for 15 minutes.
  • If needed, cook one chicken breast covered in oven for 20 minutes or until cooked through to 180F.
  • Slice chicken breast and bun(s)
  • Place chicken inside bun, along with all other ingredients
  • Slice down the middle if desired and serve.

This chicken garden sandwich strikes the perfect balance for an early spring lunch. You have protein, vegetables and enough carbohydrates and fats to get you through easily until supper. I am sure John got through his hot streak well fed with whatever was brought to him on that first sandwich. Who knows what they called it, but John was the fourth Earl of Sandwich.


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