Looking Forward to Summer Wine

Welcome to April, a month when the shift in the season is in the air. Are you done with winter and find yourself yearning for the warmer months to come? As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. So this month I’m taking a bit of a dreamer’s approach, laying the groundwork for those upcoming summer nights.

When I think of summer wine thoughts of green grass, warm evenings and light, refreshing drinks come to mind. White wines are perfect for such occasions. Fruit forward, crisp bases can be spun into any number of cocktails. From mimosas to sangrias and far beyond, there are a number of different ways to work with wines this summer.

The first thing you need to establish is which white wine is for you. There is no way to make an excellent drink when working from a foundation you do not truly enjoy. For the summer sipper I would generally recommend saying away from anything oaked, (generally speaking chardonnay is the only oaked white wine available) however if that is what you prefer go for it. The crisp minerality of reisling, the grassy notes from sauvignon blanc or the slight spiciness offered by gewurtztraminer all offer options that go great in the summertime.

There are a number of drinks that can be mixed with wine this summer. A simple spritzer is one of the easiest cocktails to create, or perhaps you prefer a sangria to sip on. Combining wine with summer fruits or a sprinkle of citrus can really liven up any glass you choose. With the bounty of produce that is sure to hit the store shelves there are countless ways to celebrate the coming season.

Over the coming weeks I hope you will join me in exploring a few of the ways to bring life into your glass. Be it on the rim or in the bowl fruits of all shapes and sizes could be on display this summer. While less obvious, there are a few ways to even showcase a vegetable or two in your cocktail glass. While I often find myself living in the present (culinarily speaking) there is something to be said for looking ahead. Planning for those times yet to be had is a worthwhile exercise every now and again. In the office or on a more personal level, being prepared for the busier times will make a hectic schedule seem all the more manageable.


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