Dishes of Wartime – Corned Beef & Oatmeal Pudding

We are a few days from November 11, Remembrance Day here in Canada. A day reserved to remember those who fought, and those who died, in the line of fire. While each one of us has our own special way that we grieve, I am sure that we all have our own special way to remember.

The standards held on Remembrance Day, and the days leading up to it, consist primarily of pinning a poppy on the left side of your shit or lapel. A moment of silence held for two minutes at eleven o’clock for some and others may decide to take it further in their own ways.

Surprised or not, for me it has largely consisted of food. Canned corned beef is well documented for being a major component of soldier’s diets in World War I, for the past several years I always attempt to make some sort of dish utilizing that ingredient. This year I have gone beyond whipping something up using corned beef, I actually did some research on wartime recipes.

Corned Beef and Oatmeal Pudding


1 lb. corned beef

4 oz. (by weight) oatmeal

1 tsp. rosemary

2 oz. breadcrumbs

1 pint water

1 oz. bacon fat

2 Tbsp. grated carrot


Toast oatmeal in bacon fat for several minutes, or until lightly browned

Chop and add canned corned beef.

Incorporate remaining ingredients.

Stir, and boil or steam for one hour.


*Originally found at www.

*Originally published in Food Facts from the Kitchen Front, 1941


This is definitely a dish from wartime, looking more like the dog’s breakfast than a hearty meal. Surprisingly the oatmeal does balance out the flavours of the canned corned beef rather well. Wartime cooking was all about effective resource management and keeping the engines going, both human and mechanical. This dish may not get many thanks today, it would certainly have been a welcome offering in a time of war.