The Secret to Sensational Sides; Feature Ingredients

What made that stirfry standout on Saturday? Why does everyone rave about the steak at the restaurant down the street? How can I stand out in a crowd? All these questions and more can be answered with one simple step; featured ingredients.

Most cooking competitions, from desserts to side dishes and even main course options are often won by those who know how to select and show off one or two ingredients differently, and better, than the rest of the pack.

Coleslaw: everyone knows it, everyone has had it, but there are a number of variations due to one or two ingredient alterations that help make each and every option unique. Now yes, the dressing recipes can be altered easily enough but lets go beyond that

A standard coleslaw consists of cabbage, carrots and dressing. This slaw packs a little more punch with the addition of a couple of stand out ingredients.


3 parts shredded green cabbage

2 parts shredded carrot.

1 part chopped red onion

1 part grated radishes.

Enough dressing to adequately coat the slaw


Mix all ingredients together and mix until uniformly combined, Arrange sliced radishes along the rim of the bowl for garnish.

Chill and serve.