Something Sweet & Healthy: Vegetarian Summer Salad

This time of year I often find myself reaching for lighter fare. I have exchanged my pot roast dinners for evenings and afternoons spent with salads and spreads on bread. The salad on showcase this week offers a mild mannered yet flavour packed core with some added bulk for those of us who require that little bit more to make it through the afternoon without breaking into the candy stash. Whether it be something sweet, something green or something vegetarian you are in search of, we have it right here.


Large handful of spinach – approximately 2 cups

¼ cup chick peas or garbanzo beans

3 Tbsp. diced sun dried tomatoes


1 oz. olive oil, ¼ oz. balsamic vinegar, ¼ tsp. Dijon mustard


Add all ingredients into large bowl.

Toss ingredients until uniformly mixed.
