A Plate of Protein Preserves

The pig is king, at least this week. Charcuterie, or the process of curing, salting, dehydrating and aging meat has been around for ages. Deciding what varieties to put on your display can be overwhelming, however we hope to offer a little insight on the subject.

Just as in wine or cheese, charcuterie spreads can take on many different personalities, and it is up to you to decide what type to go with. There are nationality-based boards, spice based boards, even the type of protein portrayed can vary. Nationality based boards are those that either focus on one nationality or region, offering a large selection of products from that locale. Spice based boards focus more on a complimentary or contrasting spices, it is also possible to group these by heat level. Although rare, you may even decide on a board dedicated to chicken products, turkey products or another protein.

Regardless of the style of board you choose to have on offer, variety is important. Keep in mind issues such as moisture and textures. While salt is a requirement of all charcuterie there is a slight difference between sausages. Texture really changes depending on the fat content, moisture content and how fine a grind the meat goes through prior to stuffing.

Charcuterie, by definition, is a process for meat. Why then do most charcuterie boards have a display of cheeses, breads and some preserves such as olives within them? Our best guess is those products most often are found at delicatessens, or the shops at which charcuterie meats are predominantly sold.   The addition of cheeses, bread and preserved vegetables on a charcuterie board is not necessary but often found. It is an easy way to build a board of preserves that is not necessarily so protein rich or salt heavy. Between those points and the popularity of the sandwich the expansion into these alternate areas certainly makes sense.

This may seem like a lot to think about for an appetizer or an a la carte option however just like most things in life, the more consideration given the better the reception. We hope that this small slice of sausage knowledge may assist you in your own charcuterie challenge or at the very least allow you to look a little deeper into the prep work behind the next board you see.

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