Smoked Salmon Alfredo with Dill & Spinach


As much as I would like to be done with winter dishes, this late in the season you never know what to expect when you step outside. One day it could be raining, the next, bright and sunny, and by the third day we could be facing outright cold, wintery conditions.   We have yet another blast of the white stuff forecast to come our way this weekend. Not to say it is all bad, after all, most winter dishes have evolved into classics. Nothing is wrong with a little pasta, cheese and seafood.

Winter dishes have often centred around two types of foods: foods that will keep, and foods that were preserved in one-way or another. Almost all of the elements of todays dish fit that description. Both smoked salmon and most pasta have been made to extend their shelf life in todays’ terms, however historically it was required as a survival technique for the long, cold winter months.


2 cups penne pasta

2 cups water

500 ml. Alfredo sauce

1/8 tsp. Sea salt

½ tbsp. Olive oil

200g. Smoked salmon

125g. Fresh dill

200g. Fresh spinach

1 red bell pepper – diced

1 white onion – diced

½ tsp. White pepper


  1. Bring water to a boil, add half of the olive oil, salt and pasta
  2. Stirring occasionally, drain after 10 min or when pasta is cooked, retain ¼ cup water and set aside
  3. Over medium heat place peppers, onions, second half of olive oil and spices, cook until onions are translucent; about 5 minutes
  4. Add back the reserved water, fresh dill and spinach, cover and cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until spinach has wi
  5. Add pasta, smoked salmon and alfredo sauce to the pot, heat through and serve.

The salty, smoky flavour of the salmon really does stand out in your mouth when paired with a contrasting rich, creamy alfredo sauce and pasta. The red pepper and onions can offer a light sweetness, the spinach and dill offer a pleasing fresh element all the while combining with the other elements of the plate to offer something filling and deserving of being labeled a winter meal.

This weekend, get a book, enjoy a movie at home, dare I say shovel the driveway, but whatever your plans give this seafood pasta a try, you will not be disappointed.

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