Peaches & Cheese if you Please

To a large extent our tastes are shaped around our culture. What makes that certain restaurant, or favourite meal, your top pick? While on a basic level it must taste palatable, there are many other factors at play; current food trends, a great atmosphere or maybe it was something you saw advertised on television in one fashion or another. When growing up your taste buds were shaped by those foods you were offered by mom and dad, not the latest superfood or from an article in a magazine.


Growing up one of my go to snacks was canned peaches with cottage cheese. I can still recall mom quickly preparing the treat from time to time in my younger years. Something super quick to prepare that offered a flavour balance between the sweetness of the peaches and the saltiness of the cottage cheese. Nothing in this dish was fancy, it was, and still is, not difficult to prepare. While I would not recommend consuming this every day, for me it is a reminiscent trip back to childhood and the simpler things in life. A time when a rough day was nothing more than loosing the street hockey game with my friends.


As before mentioned this is a super easy snack to put together:


½ cup cottage cheese

1 can of peaches, or however much you choose to include.


Simply spoon the cottage cheese into a bowl, and top with as many of the canned peaches as you wish. For an added touch of sweetness, add some of the syrup that the peaches are packed in. It can even make for an easy dessert course.


Peaches and cream is a summer delight, however a twist on this dish takes me back to my childhood. Peaches and cottage cheese is a very simple and fast dish to prepare that can be served as a snack or as a dessert. I sincerely hope you get the chance to try this summertime sensation over the warmer months, and have enjoyed our mini series for summertime snacking we have had over the past few weeks.

